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Xmas Name Changes

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JC the Messiah loves Chrimbo, hates Easter:
It's what Shane would have wanted!

Sven can I open my pressie:
Do we ask for one or just get one automatically?

Ghost of christmas RAWK:
Count me in. All the obvious ones have been done so can't wait to see what they come up with... (famous last words!) ;D

Ghost of christmas RAWK:

--- Quote from: SvenJohansen on November 30, 2023, 05:44:43 pm ---Do we ask for one or just get one automatically?

--- End quote ---
You need to ask in here...I say 'ask' more like putting yourself forward as a guinea pig. Like those students that sign up to have medical tests done on them...

Ah Fruck Christmas:

--- Quote from: Barneylfc∗ on November 30, 2023, 04:17:35 pm ---

--- End quote ---

Our Christmas usernames are going on Tik-Tok?


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