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Xmas Name Changes

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as john lennon said - merry christmas xmas is over so can i go back to my boring unseasonal original name of liverbloke please

..and thanks again and hope you had a good yuletide experience with plenty of pressies  :wave

kakskümmend neli seitse shagging kõik jõulunädal:
Not over until my birthday ends....

All change tomorrow  ::)

kakskümmend neli seitse shagging kõik jõulunädal:
"We have a Christmas Name Change Improbability Factor of 1:1 - we have normality - I repeat, we have normality - anything you still can't cope with is therefore your* own problem!"

(classic cases in point, I can't add an asterisk to replace the / and I can't change Claire's name - both tasks need rusty star interventions  :wave )

Thanks everyone for being jolly good sports.

please could i have my username switched back to classycarra

not sure when the change to Cara was made, but have started to get the odd earnest message and reply from very polite nice people adrressing Cara and it's making me feel irrationally guilty!


kakskümmend neli seitse shagging kõik jõulunädal:

--- Quote from: Classycara on January  5, 2023, 02:23:56 pm ---...not sure when the change to Cara was made

--- End quote ---
Blimey - Nov 3rd, 2014 by The 5th Benitle, for reasons I can't immediately fathom (perhaps it was after SP had changed it all to upper case, then 5th changed it back to lower case apart from C, but missed an 'r'?)

Over 8 years ago!!!!

Oh, go on then....

I see you still have the CT I gave you ;D


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