The weird logic some people use to avoid going to the doctors
A colleague in our office went on holiday and came back sick. She worked from home Monday-Wednesday and is off tomorow but decides to come in today hacking up a lung cos she doesn't want to be at home. Her commute is 40 mins and yet she refuses to go to the doctor to get medication because it is apparently too far away (15 mins) and this thing will go away on its own despite her then talking about how she frequently had bronchitis as a teenager as she wouldn't go to the doctor when she was sick
The "hard working, too busy, head in the sand, I'd rather not know" philosophy. I had a mate, who used to be a work colleague, who died last year after never going to see a doc until it was too late. My partner's dad ignored night sweats, etc, for over 2 years until he collapsed and nearly died of an infection.
Also worked with someone in London who had a really bad cough all year and eventually went to the docs only to find out it was lung cancer.
I'm the complete opposite. I'd never put work above my health. But I probably worry too much, so there must be a balance. I was worse years ago. I went to my GP with some "lumps". She said "they're your saliva glands".