Hope it’s OK to post this in here?
I posted just after the HIP report was published. Until the report was published I hadn’t spoken or written about it at all.
My wife had been on at me (encouraging, not nagging) to go and speak to someone for years. I’d always dismissed it – other people worse than me, I wasn’t badly enough affected to need counselling, excuses like that.
The Saturday after the HIP I was still in a mess. Couldn’t think straight, nothing. I was driving my daughter somewhere and wasn’t taking anything in and thought I can’t carry on like this so made the decision to try and get counselling.
Even making the decision was a bit of a lift. In hindsight, although the first few days of the report were rough, that in itself was….. I don’t know exactly – to say relief is too mild, but don’t know how else to put it.
So, I made an appointment at the doctors – got to see a newish young doctor. Just getting the words out as to why I wanted counselling were really hard. I don’t think the poor girl new what to say really.
Anyway, after a while (a good while actually) the appointment comes through. By this time, the fact that the whole truth was out, and talking to my wife and writing on hear, I was feeling better. But, I thought I’ve come this far I may as well see it out – they might decide I don’t need any sessions anyway.
In the end I went about 6 or 7 times. Just speaking the words out loud, not just about what happened, but about feelings and guilt, and talking about them (not something that comes easy to me generally) made a difference. Take guilt – survivor guilt, then feeling guilty about feeling guilty, feeling guilty about not feeling guilty – it never ends. But having a discussion about it definitely helped. You think in your head that it’s not your fault, your not being rationale, but it makes no difference – somehow, talking out loud, as difficult as it was, did help.
There are still times when I struggle. For example, the thread about other fans – the Sheffield Wednesday fan that brought a shirt signed by lots of other fans had me in tears – touching gestures like that leave me struggling to hold it together.
I’m not writing this saying it would work for everyone, but I think it helped me.
As does this thread – without it, and reading other peoples accounts, there is a good chance I wouldn’t have done anything.