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Anywhere that would burn 60+ CD's?

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Would there be places local or that could post where you send them the music files or something, and they then burn it onto discs?

I know I could do it...but its time consuming isnt it?

Plus, one of the lads has been having probs with WMP and nero where by the files are playing back with stutters and problems, as though the copies are shit...any ideas why that might be?

Are you looking to make playable CDs or just to store the music? If the latter, burning onto DVD-R's would be an option, they hold around 7 times more data than an ordinary CD. If the former, I doubt there'd be anywhere that would do that, plus how would you get the files to them in the first place?

As for the stuttering, it might be down to a dodgy CD- could be worth trying with another brand or burning at a slower speed.


--- Quote from: Mudface_ on September 14, 2005, 01:13:19 pm ---Are you looking to make playable CDs or just to store the music? If the latter, burning onto DVD-R's would be an option, they hold around 7 times more data than an ordinary CD. If the former, I doubt there'd be anywhere that would do that, plus how would you get the files to them in the first place?

As for the stuttering, it might be down to a dodgy CD- could be worth trying with another brand or burning at a slower speed.

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Tried 3 different CD's and seems to be doin the stuttering/jumping.

Hes tried doing it through WMP and nero....if i try and do em for him, how do i change the burn speed on nero and what would you recommend? bearing in mind i have to do 60 of the fuckers! :)

Not sure on how to change it with Nero (I usually use Deepburner myself), but there'll be an option somewhere or other to do so if you use the wizard. Try it at 24x or even lower, rather than 52x, say. If it's still jumping, make sure the files themselves play back OK and maybe try a different CD burner if you have access to one.


--- Quote from: Roper on September 14, 2005, 02:34:39 pm ---Tried 3 different CD's and seems to be doin the stuttering/jumping.

Hes tried doing it through WMP and nero....if i try and do em for him, how do i change the burn speed on nero and what would you recommend? bearing in mind i have to do 60 of the fuckers! :)

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My mate use to have a Sony Writing drive and everything he copied put a stutter in tracks so you would never get a good copy that was perfect with no jumps etc....

Any duplicating shop should be able to sort you a batch of 60 CD's but you would have to go to a small shop as it would cost a fortune to go to a big company as it is such a small run but as long as you give them 1 cd and tell them how many copies you want but it still may work out expensive


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