The Liverpool FC Forum > Ticket and Travel Info

Local Sales

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Mad Max:

--- Quote from: Claire. on July 30, 2016, 07:28:30 pm ---we need to monitor it, if people can post in random threads how can we do that?

--- End quote ---

Imagine asking for a spare in the lost scouse lingo thread or the darts thread? :lmao

Anyone in?

Luke 17:

--- Quote from: Claire. on August  4, 2016, 08:18:55 am ---Anyone in?

--- End quote ---

Yes theres only Anfield Road lower 126/127 available

ah well, serves me right for sleeping in. Still the LA!


--- Quote from: Claire. on August  4, 2016, 08:24:01 am ---ah well, serves me right for sleeping in. Still the LA!

--- End quote ---

Piss off. They're for OOT whoppers. Like myself  :P


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