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Fulham Report - Liverpool Back on the Terraces

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Steve C:
True Ben, the fact that I could stand where I wanted, arriving at 5 to 3 as well, and move about during the game shows how different it was. Certainly didnt feel over-crowded, until we scored.

Noise has been good at every away Ive been to this season, except Soton which was just a terrible night on and off the pitch, but congregating the voices yesterday meant a vocal core that the noise spread outwards from.


Steve said:

--- Quote ---As I had thought, Owen was rested, with Anelka and Heskey starting up front. These two look a good partnership to me. The thought of facing them must scare any defender.
--- End quote ---

Got to agree there mate.

Good report Steve.

Unfortunately I had to make do with watching it on Canal+. Actually spotted Matty from the Albert when they focused in close on the Liverpool fans in the crowd early on.

The only points I disagree with you about was that I thought Wright had his poorest game so far for us. Got caught out of position a few times and got himself booked as well. Xavier committed himself to a few tackles needlessly and got by-passed, although he did look strong going forward.

Smicer again was his inconsistent self. Thought he should have been substituted earlier. His lack of contribution when we were defending was putting a lot of pressure on Riise and Murphy and with Hamann playing deep, I felt we retreated too far. It seemed at times we could hardly get out of our half.

Henchoz's tackle has to be the best one I've seen this season. And as for Jari's finish (Jari's finish..............get it..........I'll get my coat), absolute class. 99% of players would have tried to take the ball down and control it and look for support. He had enough confidence to hit a bouncing ball from an angle, probably 30 yards out. Delighted for him.

Steve C:
I was next to Matty all game!!


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