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Barca Match Report

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Could it be that this is seen as such an important role tonight that they are going to play 45 minutes each? I can't see either lasting the whole match and if, as generally expected, we are going to play the usual tight game then it might be better to leave Jari till later when we may be wanting to push further forward...

Shaky Jake:
;D ;D  ;D

That's great news I think. But now Jari really has to deliver. As someone just said to me it's time for him to "shit or get off the pot". This is the biggest game of his Anfield career.

Despite my earlier post (I hadn't seen the update  ;) ) I'm delighted for Jari. I hope he takes his chance well (and doesn't get confused and forget which team he's playing for!  ;D )

I wouldn't mind seeing Baros at some point tonight either...

IF, and I stress IF, he does`nt start I expect he will definetly come on as sub, lets hope they give him at LEAST a whole half to do some damage !...
But I fear it is "make or break" for Jari. If he does not get enough oportunity tonite I think it will be one snub too many, it would be hard to swallow and if there was ever a game this season he wants to play in so badly it`s got to be this one!!!!!!
Lets hope the whole team performs tonite instead of pinning ALL our hopes on Jari as this is unfair on him considering his lack of first team action.........
Come on Jari give it your best we`re all behind you tonite !!

cain just to reiterate. Jari DOES start.  Phil has already said he does.


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