Bullying at its finest in this post. WD sir, you should maybe make another joke now about this comment to ram home the point about how silly I'm being.
Saul, look, this isn't about you, it's about VD. I like your post because it has a go at VD, one of the main faces in here.
I quote you not to belittle you or to bully you, but to poke fun and, to put it in plain English - to take the piss out of VD.
He knows I'm joking, I know I'm joking, you quite evidently don't and there lies the crux of it all, I neither take myself or VD or anyone on this site come to that, too seriously.
It is only the internet, it doesn't really matter; you take it or leave it, it's a throwaway medium that is there at the tip of your finger and can be thrown away with a single press of a finger. It's not really real life, and as such, don't take it, me - and a bit of advice here - yourself too seriously. You and I don't really matter. It's just words, nothing more.