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Corrupt sexual abuser & scab, Donald Scum Trump convicted

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“It’s just an accounting error” is the wildest justification for something that was done deliberately TENS OF TIMES in order to influence the outcome of an election. The morality of him shagging a porn star whilst his newborn has just arrived, then approaching her to pay her off because his numbers with women already look bad, may not be concern you in your world, but multiple felonies committed to cover it up should give you pause. If you knew nothing else about the crook, surely you’d be asking yourself “what else has he done “?


--- Quote from: Mumm-Ra on April 23, 2024, 04:30:14 pm ---On a fundamental level though, I just don't think what goes on in a politician's (or any public figure - free Phillip Schofield!) private life is anyone's business, as long as it's not illegal. Why should an election be decided by a one-night stand that happened 10 years prior? It's completely irrelevant, or at least it should be. I have no moral qualm with Stormy getting some money out of the deal, and no moral qualm with Trump paying her to keep a private matter private.

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I agree that generally speaking for public figures/celebrities, however I think politicians are a different case.
Firstly, because they have the ability to affect almost any aspect of the general public's life, I think people have a right to know the sort of person they are giving that power.
Secondly, because if a politician has something they are willing to commit crimes and pay hundred of thousands to keep secret, that would make them incredibly compromised and vulnerable to blackmail.


--- Quote from: RJH on April 24, 2024, 12:21:33 pm ---I agree that generally speaking for public figures/celebrities, however I think politicians are a different case.
Firstly, because they have the ability to affect almost any aspect of the general public's life, I think people have a right to know the sort of person they are giving that power.
Secondly, because if a politician has something they are willing to commit crimes and pay hundred of thousands to keep secret, that would make them incredibly compromised and vulnerable to blackmail.

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There's also the context that Trump's campaign team were desperate to smear Hilary Clinton over using a private email server.  If you're going to run that kind of campaign then you need to be squeaky clean and paying off people to keep your skeletons in the closet is hugely dishonest.

The Assange/Russia wikileaks emails dump came out almost immediately after the Access Hollywood tape. An absolute coincidence, no doubt.

Red Beret:
Trump loses his appeal against the E Jean Carroll defamation lawsuit. No doubt he will now demand it goes to the full appellate court - but I don't think they have to hear it if they don't want to.


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