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European and World Champion and all round Big Man Joseph Dave Gomez

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Vs Nottingham:

Defensive midfield
Left back
Right back

Proving his worth when we need him the most. Again.


--- Quote from: Gnurglan on March  2, 2024, 05:23:26 pm ---Vs Nottingham:

Defensive midfield
Left back
Right back

Proving his worth when we need him the most. Again.

--- End quote ---
Said it before, will probably say it again, player of the season. In the midst of an injury crisis he’s played in so many roles.

Needs to be our starting LB for the rest of the season . Has the been the best in that position the whole season and we're so much more solid with him playing there.


--- Quote from: fallenhd on March  2, 2024, 05:29:49 pm ---Needs to be our starting LB for the rest of the season . Has the been the best in that position the whole season and we're so much more solid with him playing there.

--- End quote ---

He actually struggled a bit when he went back there. Fell asleep a couple of times. But overall a very solid game. He's probably fatigued.


--- Quote from: newterp on March  2, 2024, 06:56:34 pm ---He actually struggled a bit when he went back there. Fell asleep a couple of times. But overall a very solid game. He's probably fatigued.

--- End quote ---
I notice this too. He regularly gave 9/10 performances as LB for us for a while, but as soon as the players were coming back and he's been shipped around the pitch again, his performance kind of suffered a bit. Still did a job given the circumstance but now he'd give 7/10 performances because he has to adapt and change his game so frequently. Victim of his own versatility.


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