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The state Of The States. How Has America Got To Now?

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I didn’t even mention his debate dodging and refusal to release his tax returns. He doesn’t want transparency or scrutiny.

By the way, I would be critical of other administrations too when it comes to press freedom (including Obama), but they never tried to tear down the institution or erode public trust.


--- Quote from: Jiminy Cricket on August  3, 2024, 09:18:05 am ---The problem is the way you have been stating with certainty that there will be a recession by the end of the year. As I stated to you early this year, it is the nature of economic cycles for there to be booms and busts. And the greater the boom, likely the greater the bust. There is nothing remotely insightful about this.

Recessions are expected, but they seemingly still manage to come as a surprise. This is because there is nearly always a specific trigger which tips the balance from boom to bust, and the trigger is invariably unpredictable.

And as Alvador states:Much greater minds and economic theorists than you, Studgotelli (and all of us here) almost always fail to predict recessions (naming specifics). Make enough predictions, and one will turn out to be correct eventually. Or, enough random people making random predictions, sooner or later one of them will turn out to be correct on occasion. So even if we should see a recession in the US this year (which appears to be highly unlikely since the US will need to be already in recession for this quarter - remember, two consecutive quarters of shrinking GDP being the usual definition of a recession), this would not prove anything. Either you will need to be very specific, or you will need a long track record of reliably predicting recessions. This will never happen, as it is in soothsayer territory.

Again, it is how you present your concerns (and predictions) as fact which is the problem. And your lack of detail/reasoning surely does not help.

--- End quote ---

Jiminy what economists predict or have previously predicted is completely irrelevant to whether I or anyone else is correct in foreseeing a recession. It’s not an impossible feat and if they’re not able to that’s on them. You act as if I’ve been making the same call for years and it’s impossible for anyone to make a call on one, meanwhile I made very specific assertions whilst having no history of making that claim and you/Alvador are using the broken clock line.

I’m not trying to be some great economic megamind lol. I just shared that it was a high likelihood. You told me there was no evidence for my claim. I said there was. It is now showing up that indeed there were/are signs what I was saying was true. Anyway there’s no point continuing as you are convinced that I’m a “soothsayer” mindlessly calling for one for some reason and have clogged up the thread enough.

To the others, your points on Trump re democracy are fair enough.


--- Quote from: Studgotelli on August  4, 2024, 06:42:47 pm ---
--- End quote ---

I think you misclicked Artificial Ignorance instead of Artificial Intelligence.

When did you get your degree?


--- Quote from: jambutty on August  4, 2024, 07:33:06 pm ---I think you misclicked Artificial Ignorance instead of Artificial Intelligence.

When did you get your degree?

--- End quote ---

Quote from: jambutty on January 28, 2024, 01:26:20 pm
Who takes the Fed to task, Mario?

It SHOULD be the government holding them to account, but the Fed can help reigning govt get re-elected with their policies and the timing of them so they instead work together. That’s why I don’t think it matters who the President is in that sense. Thats what the Fed did in 2023, to backstop a financial crisis which has made it “look” like the US has a Goldilocks economy. Just like in 2007!

So if it’s not the government, it takes the general public to revolt to do so but the people think certain things are crazy til they happen and rather believe the financial misinformation that the media tell them until they get fed up and take matters into their own hands. History tells us that’s the case with empires falling because of the revolt of the people. So until then, the show will keep rolling on until people hit their breaking point.

In response to your comment in the other thread the above is from Jan, @jambutty  :wave

Apologies.  Somehow I missed those pearls.

You should have remained silent.


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