I’m just gonna say my piece and then leave it here:
WE ALL REALLY WANT THIS SO BAD! We’ve waited such a long time and this year feels like we have a really good chance. The manager and players have done brilliantly to get us into this position and, up to the other night, the support has been magnificent but on Wednesday night it got really nervy. It was because, despite being ahead, the team seemed to have stepped off a little (the conditions didn’t help at all) and Leicester were getting back into it. Maybe conceding 3 in the last home game against palace (when previously we’ve looked almost impregnable) and other 1st choice defenders being out contributed to it too but it got really nervy. Even quite early on the cameras were panning to the stands and you could see then angst on the faces of the supporters.
What I ask is: If it’s like this now with us 5pts ahead and 14 games still to go, what’s it going to be like in May when we’re down to the last couple games and there might only be the odd point or 2 in it?
I realise how easy it is for me to say it watching at home but I implore the match going support – please fight the urge when it gets tight & nervy to audibly pass on your fears and angst to the team. I get it - it’s only human nature in the circumstances we’re in but it really isn’t helping if it filters down to the players. They and the manager have been doing their bit all season getting us to where we are. It’s our turn now to back them to the hilt with our unswerving support! We’re all in this together manager, players and us.
As much as I loved the pre-game bus welcomes in 13/14 near the end, and chants of “we’re gonna win the league” I really don’t want those things this time as I think, although positive and meant to be a display of our support, it just heaps more pressure on the lads too. It’s too early just now.
I watch our games with mates who are Reds and we’re a mixed bunch. I’m trying to remain sanguine, largely because the other 2 I watch with get very twitchy even about the potential of us dropping points. The other night was tough. I was trying to be the positive one when they started the bed-wetting post-final whistle. I’m usually very nervous too but they make me look and sound like a ray of sunshine .
I get ribbed by colleagues at work who support other teams in the top6 and am just ignoring them most of the time. My consistent line (as a joke has been – WE ARE NOT IN A TITLE RACE!) I’m trying to enjoy this ride we’re on, I really am but it’s hard because of what’s at stake. I’m 45 later this month so was around 15 the last time we won it and back then I never thought it’d be so long before we had even a chance of winning it again. I want this so bad for so many reasons too now. I’m a father of 2 and both kids are Reds. The eldest has seen us win the CC a few years back but other than that we’ve come up short in other finals and the previous challenge 5yrs ago. I so want them to experience what it feels like for us to win big too.
Anyways, I digress. Back to the match. Again, if you go the game (you lucky sods) please don’t give in to your natural instincts to moan & vent when it’s not necessarily going our way but instead do your best to get behind the lads and sing them home. They need us now more than they’ve ever needed us! Please don’t put the fear of god into them, the fear that we’re going to throw away this amazing chance we have to finally win the league and all in a year when we’re up against this ridiculously talented City side who are supposed to be the best thing since sliced bread (much of the hype justified by their achievements last season). We’ve only lost 1 game this year. They’ve lost 4 so try not to get caught up in what the media and other fans say. We’re the team in pole position. They’d swap what they currently have with what we have in a heartbeat.
I’m hoping we’ve gotten the nerves out of our system (the supporters, I mean) from the other night and it’ll be very different next time we step out at Anfield. The manager shouldn’t have to turn behind him and calm every one down. We’ve read VVD’s interview and should heed his words – EVERYONE JUST CALM THE FUCK DOWN! (however difficult that may be) and channel your energies into supporting the lads as best you can.
That’s it. That’s me. Thanks for reading & let’s fucking do this together!!