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Rawk Insignia/Avatar?

<< < (5/5)

Ok, left bit of a crater but Give me some time, I'm sure I can come up with another pearler ;D ::)

Jeff da best guest:

i could re-do that with RAWK .. could be the mascot. he needs a name ...... how about Gob Shite  ;D


actually hes not the official RAWK mascot .. YODA is the Official Mascot but we are working on a copyright issue with George Lucas

Nice Jeff!!  Instead of Yoda or that little guy up there, why don't we have a muppet instead?  (Mind you, that little guy has got the hair style of a lot of RAWK members here  ;D)


--- Quote ---Nice Jeff!!  Instead of Yoda or that little guy up there, why don't we have a muppet instead?  (Mind you, that little guy has got the hair style of a lot of RAWK members here  ;D)
--- End quote ---
Who you talking about ???


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