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--- Quote from: Ghost Town on August 16, 2019, 08:20:42 pm ---Ha ha oh well. Kind of feel it's my fault as the exchange is the only reason I signed up here. So, naturally, it as to come to an end immediately.

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And therein lies a main reason why they appear to be no longer continuing.

Ghost of christmas RAWK:

--- Quote from: stoz on August 19, 2019, 09:49:08 am ---And therein lies a main reason why they appear to be no longer continuing.

--- End quote ---
Is it? Are you really saying this site is abandoning a scheme because some people thought it was a good idea and fair and worthwhile and signed up to participate?

I mean it's a fair cop on my part but is it really as bad and sinister as you make it sound? Many people read this site without registering, and I was among them, coming here occasionally to read the latest news etc.

Discovering and wishing to participate in what I saw as a really fair and constructive, and overall marvellous FV ticket exchange scheme, I signed up to be able to post.

I then deliberately did not ask for any tickets last season, so as not to be an irresponsible user whom nobody knows. I instead took time to post widely on a variety of subjects, and get to know people and let people get to know me and hopefully see that I was reasonably OK and trustworthy.

My plan was to start asking for tickets at some point this season, having first made a home here. Looks like that is not to be, which is remarkably bad timing on my part. Still, I'm here now and have woven myself somewhat into the fabric of the place, so I guess I'll be sticking around regardless. Hope that's OK with you

Claire's Christmas Ornament Large Bauble Necklace - 50% off:
We did have an issue with people only using the site for the exchange - and whilst that by itself isn't a massive issue the club are taking steps to sort out touting, and I'm not saying that's what people here are doing at all, but we did have many reported cases of members who were selling on tickets at FV being caught up in the club's efforts. The club don't really care if you're selling on for face, as just selling on is the crime.

Giving an occasional ticket to your friend isn't the problem, it's the systematic offloading of tickets to accrue credits that is the problem in the club's eyes.

Surely its upto the members on here if they want to take that risk or not? Start of each month open up an exchange for each match in the month

Could it not be done on another platform but only with current RAWK members?


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