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duvva 💅:
Is it possible to update friends & family lists now the seasons over or will they allow this at some point before next season?


--- Quote from: duvva 💅 on May 28, 2024, 07:26:24 pm ---Is it possible to update friends & family lists now the seasons over or will they allow this at some point before next season?

--- End quote ---

It will open up again before the season but it’s still closed at the moment.

duvva 💅:

--- Quote from: Jm55 on May 28, 2024, 09:38:10 pm ---It will open up again before the season but it’s still closed at the moment.

--- End quote ---

Do we know roughly what date the emails came out with confirmed credits from last season??

just looked back at mine

26/06 premier league credits email
24/07 home cup and away credits emails


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